Programming and Conventional Medicine

Herbal Medicine used to be the “primary” medicine that played a large part in the medicine for a long time. Our ancestors who lived in harmony with nature had connections with their environment including the plants and trees around them. Herbal knowledge and their wisdom passed down through a strong oral tradition and they intuitively knew which plant(s) to take when they had illness or injury. They also recieved information about the plants and spiritual connection to the nature through their dreams and spiricual practices.

Extracting a single chemical from plants and making a “magic bullet” became revolutionized in our society. Most people think about picking up over-the counter drugs or going to see a conventional doctor right away when they get sick or health concerns. We tend to rely on something that disconnects from the way of living we used to have and are supposed to be as a human.

I became more health conscious since I was in a pageant contest, started pursuing how to stay healthy in a long run. I also love helping other people and decided to pursue herbal medicine.

Through learning about the history of plant uses, experiment with my body and spiritual practices, I realized how important it is to know about myself. Learning and connecting to my body, energy, and inner self made it easier to work on prevention without any stress.

We have been influenced by TVs, social medicas, people’s judgement, bias, cultural and family value since we were born. Working as a holistic health practitioner and having education in this area helped me detach from the brainwashing experiences -from the day to day exposure to environmental toxins and belief systems.

Why the pharmaceutical took over the natural medicine? simple answer would be for a certain people’s business/money, a quicker effect (but not considering a long term effect on the body), and people’s belief system has been already “established”.

As a holistic health practitioner, we often talk about the root causes of health challenges and undortunately conventional medicines can be a root cause of disease.

It’s good to be more conscious about what we put in our body, why we put it and where they actualy come from.

I strongly believe that you can be and are your own physician if you learn about yourself and body.

I hope that the medical world will switch it with previous primary medicine again and hope there will be a society that minimize the use of conventional medicine. There should be a harmony between holistic health and conventional health care systems. The surgeons are great, having x-ray and CT-scan can be helpful but there is always risk of side effects from radiations and use of pharmacuetical drugs.

We have lost a balance on the Earth, it’s time to co-create the society that supports everyone for a long term.

I truely hope more people will be educated more about holistic and conventional medicines and work on preventions.

What a great world it would be with the truth spreaded out!


9 Everyday Superfoods